Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ah Procrastination

Another topic near and dear to my heart. Funny thing is, when I need to procrastinate, I usually get on here. Hehe. So, I'm super pumped for Twelve Angry Men...urrr, Jurors. It's going to be awesome. If you haven't read it, it's about these jurors talking about whether this boy who murdered his father is guilty or not guilty. It's kind of like law and order, where there's some spiffy twist. Basically, Juror # 8 is like Detective Robert Goren from Criminal Intent.(AKA, Vincent D'Onorfrio.)

But anyways, he is super bad ass and manages to convince everyone that there's a reasonable doubt about whether the kid is guilty or not. I'm Juror #9, the old person and the first to agree with 8. I'm excited because this is a student run production, a first. I think both the director and the producer will do an excellent job and I'm excited to work with them. 

Ugh. But anyway...I'm supposed to be studying for biology. I got a 64 on the last test. Sucks, right? It sucks even worse because I STUDIED. A LOT. I thought I knew most of it.
But I didn't. =.=
But I feel like I have a good grasp on all the topics on this test. 

Oh, and I also have a religion test. Joy. 
Meh. Oh well. I'll study for that now. Bio is like at lunch time and I have a study hall or two before that. So yeahhh. :]
Have you noticed that I start almost all of my paragraphs with but anyways? I just did. Hehe. Oh well. Habit I guess. I'm probably going post something else in five minutes because I'm bored, so brb basically. xD