Wednesday, November 3, 2010


SO I was just randomly looking around on gurl (love this website, btw!)
And I saw a section about Abortion. 
That has got to be one of the most controversial topics of all time. 

Where do I stand on it? 
Well, I think that, if say, the woman was raped, the fetus should be removed. Nothing against the unborn child or anything, but the woman or girl, for that matter, may not be in a situation where they can care for the child, either with financials or with environment. 

Now, on the other hand, if you're just plain stupid and don't protect yourself, (AKA CONDOM)
you need to be responsible and have the baby. If you really don't want it, give it to a couple who can't have children and stop having ridiculous amounts of unprotected sex. Heck, don't have sex at all, stupid. 

Another thing. I think sex should be saved for marriage, btw. 
Hehe. anyways. I can understand both sides of the argument I guess, but I guess I'm half and half. 
And also, stem cell research. That's controversial too, because you can take stem cells out of embryos, but it will kill them. I'm for it. 
But that's another blog post. eventually. :]

Okay fine. I think it's okay if the embryo is like never used. (Say it's for impregnating and you never use it.) Might as well not waste. It could save a life!