So. I was in the car with my mom and brother after
they picked me up from play practice. (I haven't been driving recently...I keep getting up too late. =.=)
We were then driving to the library to get a book for my brother when he starts
talking about some stuff at school. Then my mom says,
"Oh, by the way, Robert got in school suspension"
Robert is this kid in my brother's class who basically sounds like the biggest pain in the ass ever.
But this is what he got in school suspension for:
Banging a lock against a computer.
Okay, yeah, that sucks for the school and all but seriously? This kid has done ALOT worse.Here's a list.
1.) He pulled down his pants in front of the whole class
2.) Like a typical jock, he kept making that OHHHH noise when someone would serve in Volley ball.
3.) He doesn't listen to anyone
4.) He has anger managment issues
5.) This one takes the cake. There's a girl in my brother's class who has a learning disability, but you couldn't really tell by looking at her. Anyways, she's in special classes. So, this boy Robert gives her a 'letter' he wrote to her. It goes something along the lines of this.
Dear _______
You're so ugly and gross. Stay away from me, because I think you're so ugly and I don't want to be around you.
THEN, when this kid is supposed to apologize, he says "I'm sorry about the way you look."
When people say 'Oh we're going to stop bullying, yay us!' At this school..
I was teased. I was bullied. But did the school ever do anything about it? Nope. Did my teacher do anything about it? Nope. she just looked at me and then nodded, saying she'd 'take care of it' did she ever? Nope.
Ughh. Sorry guys, this just gets me steamed. And the mayor came and talked to our school today and he was like "Oh yeah, bullying sucks." or something like that and was like 'yeah I'll take care of it' or something like that. I really was paying attention, because he's actually really interesting!
But yeah, if that kid was my son I'd be spanking him until his butt turned blue. Not even kidding.
...I should be studying for biology :P
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