Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy August 2nd..

Well, as I said, happy August 2nd. :d
I'm trying to finish Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises. Let me just tell all you future SG juniors, it's pointless. You need to know that now, just in case you were expecting some beastly book...which I really hope you weren't. Hemingway wrote while he was drunk, so although he has some good pieces I don't think novels suit him.

All the characters do is eat and drink. That's pretty much it. Oh yeah, and they go to Spain. And eat and drink some more. I feel like I'm going to gain 20 pounds just from reading this book. Not going to lie. I am pretty impressed with the imagery though. He paints a really good picture of their surroundings. It's funny, because as soon as I saw 'Gare St. Lazare' I was thinking "Oh! Oh! I've been there!!!

Ah Paris...I miss it. And I also don't. It was too busy for my taste. 
That's why I preferred Ireland! We had so much fun over there...and there's plenty of pictures to prove it too...I just uploaded 137 of them. It took FOREVER. Facebook is bad about that. :d and it was probably slower because I was talking to my lovely friends as I was doing this. 

But either way. I'm excited for tomorrow (aka later today, but whatever.) I finally get to see all of my friends, which I love to do. And we're also going to go see Charlie St. Cloud. I'll probably have a review of it up tomorrow night. :d