Wow. I have not been able to blog in forever! I've been busy with 12 Angry Men.(Or in our case, Jurors)
Yeah, I have practice 4-6 every day! I love it, but it doesn't give me much time to do this..
hehe. :] But yeah, I'm enjoying myself. I'm called 'grannie' by everyone
because I'm an old lady. Joy. xD
I tell you what, life has been good lately. That sounds weird doesn't it?
It just has. I find myself smiling more, and enjoying the stuff I'm doing.
I know why, but I'm not going to tell you why...well maybe later. But yeah.
I love Saturdays now too. I look forward to them everyy week.
See, I help out at our local mall, which basically has an outpost for the animal shelter on the weekends.
It's so much fun. :D I always have a good time, and the animals are adorablee.
SOOOO. Harry Potter 7. Who's seen it yet? I HAVE. I went to the midnight premiere last night,
and let me tell you. It was AMAZING. I'm running on 4 hours of sleep at the moment,
but it was so worth it. They were spot on.
It made me want to laugh, to cry, to squeal in absolute Harry Potter fan delight,
and more. If you haven't seen it and you've read the books, GO SEE IT NOW. I COMMAND THEE.
Can you tell I'm running on 4 hours of sleep? I cannnn. xD Wow, Thanksgiving is next week,
hard to believe that. I'm going to Conway Arkansas for the big ole family gatherin'. (And yes, I did that on purpose.)
It's going to be fun. I always love going down there. :]
You know how I was raving about Nanowrimo a few weeks ago? It was fun, but I have definitely run out of steam,
which sucks. I just don't have energy right now, or the time. Mehh. xD
Well, this was my first year, I got a taste of it, and now that I know when it is I'll definitely do it
next year...
That's all for now. :O
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