Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wow. I have been so freaking busy.
It's ridiculous. :P I'm currently procrastinating, so I figured I might as well write on here. 
I'm feeling so weird lately. Idk what's up. 
I just feel like I've changed so much from last year. 

But I think it's a good change. I'm really glad it's happened. 
I hope I can continue to change too.
Now that that's out of the way, school is still Antarctica. 
I see my friends daily, which is good. :]

Uhm. I'm just so fried right now. I've been thinking a lot
and it's just got me..I don't know. I'm thinking about the cast list. 
Yeah. We had tryouts on Monday and I got called back and everything
but yeah, the same 2 or 3 girls usually get picked. There's 5 girls in the play.

I guess I'm not very confident. I'm just sooo anxious to see the cast list. 
AHHH. I hate waiting though, because I know I'll either be super SUPER depressed
or extremely happy. And all I can think about is the super depressed part. 
Urgh. I feel like I did well at auditions, but 
20 other girls tried out. SO MANY GIRLS. URGH.

Meh. yeah. venting. gotta love it. :P