Thursday, August 19, 2010

I never thought that I would have this much homework in the first week of school.
I have literally had 0 free time to chill. If it keeps on being like this, I am going to die. 
Precalculus...we have to take these guided notes every night. 
They take me forever some reason. ;-;

Biology is really cool so far. 
Today our teacher got out the two snakes that 
he keeps in his room. One is a corn snake (I think. not sure.) 
He is SUPER fast. like an orange ninja. 
The teacher set him down on one of the tables and he was off like a flash
slithering over everyone's stuff. 

He kept coming so close to falling off, it was crazy! We all thought he would and come towards us. 
He would literally stretch his body out so he could look at us. 
But yeah, he was a spazz. The bigger snake (can't remember what she is)
is like 5 feet. (I think she's a python? Not sure.) 
She was so much more calm, but she kept slithering up to our teacher's 
head and like licking his hair. She really liked it. Haha. 
 But yeah, then he let a girl hold her and the FUNNIEST thing happened.
She held the snake and offered it out to the other girls to see. 
The python stretched it's neck out to see them 
and they literally got all tangled up and fell to the ground!
It was hilarious!
But yeah. Our history teacher is pretty cool too. 
But she gave us this salt liquorish (you're probably thinking WTH but yeah, I thought that too.)
Never ever accept salt liquorish. Not even from your friends. JUST SAY NO!!!
But yeah. School is like...sucking my life away. I'm so excited though, because of play season. 
And not only that, we're going to Scotland next August! AHHHH!!!
It's for a Highschool theater festival. 
We'd be performing and watch other people perform in Edenborough Scotland! (can you say Harry Potter?)
I want to go SO BAD. LIKE REALLY  BAD. (See how bad I want it?)
But yeah, I found out that the fall play is Musical Comedy, Murder of 1940. I'm excited. 
I love plays. :] I'm going to audition...I really want to get some type of part with a lot of lines. 
I feel like I've never gotten a chance to show my true potential, you know?
I mean, our theater teacher has taken chances with other people, so why not me?
Idk. Maybe I'm just not good. Oh well! I'll still keep trying!
That's all for now...Oh yeah! Church was amazingggg! 
The lesson was on love and how much the world has twisted the definition of it
and how it's become like an addiction. It's crazy! But superbly interesting. 
I'll write some more when I have more time...sorry you guys!!