So. Today was a good day on Flyff. :3 I decided that since I had gotten my FS assist ready,
that I would work on Corina, my psy-to-be. So it took a while to get to level 15, lemme tell you.
Still couldn't find any shiny people to buff me.
But last night, OH! This guy was amazing. He took me to the back of Mars Cave
and power leveled me. He was so nice. :3
(Thunder, this is for you. hehe.)
But yeah, got to level 13 that way.
Then I just grinded (you could hardly call it that) to 15.
So THEN I needed some twinkle stones so I made a new character
Snape. (And yes it's a girl. I <3 Snape.hehe)
So I got the Twinkles, but then this AMAZING Ringmaster buffed me and kept
on helping me so I just kept on leveling up until 10.
A really good start. :3
So, after that I finished the mage quest and passed this guy typingnoises.
So I stayed and started to talk to him, and I'm still sitting next to him.
He's watching his friend live, apparently. x3
So yeah, munching on my popcorn, chilling...
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